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Whether you are in industry, livestock or healthcare, biofilm is a persistent problem that is hard to get rid of. Almost every company that deals with water on a daily basis has some experience with it. Watter is ready to help you combat biofilm in a sustainable way, without the use of harmful chemicals.

What is biofilm?

Biofilm is a slimy layer that can remain in, for example, a pipe. This slimy layer is created by micro-organisms. Unlike most micro-organisms around us, this layer can be seen with the naked eye. As we refer to in this blog, biofilm is like a small forest in the water pipe. It adheres to each other, which is why multiple layers can even form. This poses a danger to humans, animals and products as it can bring diseases and other health issues. The end product can also be considerably affected by biofilm, which can lead to a loss of quality or undesirable odours or tastes. Biofilm can occur in places where water flows through or where it is wet for long periods of time. The annoying thing about biofilm is that it is resistant to many agents, so they have little or less effect.

Fighting biofilm, with which agents?

Because of the dangers and drawbacks of biofilm, it is a good idea to combat it. Flushing the pipes is in many cases useless because this only displaces the biofilm. If you want to combat biofilm, it is necessary to continuously kill off the bacteria. Biofilm can be fought with many conventional disinfectants. While this works effectively, a disadvantage is that you often have to use a large quantity of agents. These agents are full of harmful chemicals. You often have to adhere to all kinds of usage instructions and use safety materials. Not only is it a danger to use harmful chemicals, these agents also affect the environment and health.

Bye harmful chemicals, hello Watter

All these drawbacks motivated us to find a better option. Therefore, at Watter, we have found a sustainable and safe solution to this problem. Using electrochemical activation of water and salt, a sustainable disinfectant is created. In this agent, HOCl is the active ingredient. Due to its small molecular size, HOCl performs better than other disinfectants. You can also use our agent in much lower concentrations than other conventional (chlorine) agents. Our in-situ solution allows you to produce the disinfectant on site. This allows you to replace harmful agents such as hydrogen peroxide, formalin or peracetic acid.

Proven effective against biofilm

Watter is proven effective against biofilm, which has been extensively tested. Independent scientific institutes have tested our disinfectant extensively. We have passed these and are therefore suitable for combating bacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and disinfection of surfaces, water systems and drinking water for animals.

Request more information or schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our professionals.

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