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For your horses, sufficient access to fresh water is essential, given the daily fluid loss through sweat and urine. Maintaining moisture balance is therefore very important. Clean water plays a crucial role in this, as contaminated water can cause diseases such as Salmonella.

The silent threat in the trough: biofilm

To prevent biofilm, it is important to keep drinking points clean. In these drinking points, a slime full of micro-organisms can form in a process called micro colony formation; this slime is also known as biofilm. Because biofilm is protected by a layer of protein, it is difficult to remove. This poses a risk to water quality, as the micro-organisms in biofilm can become loose in the water. If your horses drink this contaminated water, it can cause disease and harm their health.

How do I prevent biofilm?

Biofilm can be prevented by using a disinfectant. This is possible with a traditional disinfectant such as chlorine dioxide. The problem with this disinfectant is that it is dangerous to human and animal health, moreover, it removes biofilm only temporarily. Watter has developed a more effective and safe option for biofilm removal that allows biofilm to be controlled without health risks.

Safe water with Watter

The Watter Disinfection Solution is produced from water, salt and electricity. This forms a disinfectant with HOCl as the active ingredient. HOCl is highly effective against various fungi, yeasts, bacteria and viruses. In lower concentrations than a disinfectant such as chlorine dioxide. Our unique in-situ technology ensures that the agent is continuously dosed in the right quantities. This not only removes biofilm, but also prevents it from forming again.

With Watter, you ensure that your horses drink cleaner and safer water. This minimises the risk of disease. Which makes for healthier and happier animals.

Want to know more?

Our microbiologists are happy to help!